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Electronic Locks

There are many different brands of keypad locks available today. The question is which one is right for you. In general, there are two main differences between all electronic locks, Wifi and Non-Wifi. Wifi enables you to control the lock… Read More »Electronic Locks

What is a Rekey?

A rekey is when the locksmith removes the lock cylinder from the door hardware and re-pins the cylinder. Repining the cylinder produces a brand new key for your existing lock and renders the old key inoperable. Many people call us… Read More »What is a Rekey?

School Security

Back to school season is upon us. Sorry kids . That said, unfortunately, in our current environment classroom safety is becoming more and more important. Let’s start off with one of the first lines of defense in your childrens classrooms. Locks.… Read More »School Security


From your car’s extended warranty to a foreign prince looking to give away part of his inheritance, scams lurk around every turn looking to prey on consumers. But did you know there are scammers in Locksmithing as well? True Story.… Read More »Scams!